Thursday, February 4, 2016

Editorial Proposal: High School Time Management


We decided to look at how high school students manage their time and whether they have enough time in their days to pay appropriate attention to their responsibilities. 

Ann- I am looking at the amount of time high schoolers handle their work load as they get older and take more advanced classes. AP classes especially expect student to set aside multiple hours to do homework, which conflicts with after school activities, family and even sleep schedules. 

Devon- I am gong to cover the topic of how having a job outside of school could interfere with a students ability to get things done during the day. Having this job could impact things such as how much sleep the student gets and whether or not they have time to do their homework every night and how it could get in the way of their education. 

Aurion- I am going to cover the topic of sleep outside of school. After dealing with aspects like homework and after school activities. Making sure that High School students are getting a good amount of sleep and if it will affect their ability to accomplish everything in their life. 

Christian- i am going to talk about how to manage your work  outside of school while playing sports, to help  and to show how hard it can be  dealing withe their time before and after your spot and still making time for all of your school work to be successful.


  1. I find your topic very interesting and I love how even while you all have different viewing topics you are all covering the same things from your specific angles. This will allow for the biggest look into your topic. I also feel that this will allow everyone to get a look from different points of view as well.

  2. I find your topic very interesting and I love how even while you all have different viewing topics you are all covering the same things from your specific angles. This will allow for the biggest look into your topic. I also feel that this will allow everyone to get a look from different points of view as well.

  3. I think your topic is very applicable to our generation. I like how a lot of your topics overlap whether it be with sleep or extracurricular activities. You could all take a combined census of how much sleep kids are getting and see how it may correlate to how much time they spend with extracurricular activities, work, study, and homework. You could also find out which of those time-consuming things students care about the most.

  4. I find your topic interesting and relatable to most seniors in high school. It seems like you all will show the different types of activities done by the students and how those things form us. You all are talking about the same views but in a slightly different aspect of one another.

  5. I am very interested in how this turns out. These are all things that can have a large effect on student's mind sets and social lives. I believe that this is an issue on every student's mind, especially the older they get. The individual angles will bring several perspectives that will help make the editorial more persuasive. I think that it would be interesting to see the teacher's perspective on these issues as well.

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  7. I love this topic because it is not brought to enough attention, If many learned about this it will benefit in the future. This is a underrated topic I would love to learn about.

  8. This is a very interesting topic. All of the angles that you have chosen are easy to relate to and impact every high school student. I'm really interested to see what kind of information you discover. Are you thinking of interviewing students? What kind of websites will you be looking on? I would try to gain multiple perspectives.

  9. This is a very interesting topic. All of the angles that you have chosen are easy to relate to and impact every high school student. I'm really interested to see what kind of information you discover. Are you thinking of interviewing students? What kind of websites will you be looking on? I would try to gain multiple perspectives.

  10. This is a very interesting topic because many us who are seniors and that are planning on attending college understand how these angles can affect our daily life. An it will be interesting how you guys address time management issues.

  11. This topic shows quite a bit of promise. It is very much relatable to youths today, as education, especially in the United States, seems to be becoming increasingly difficult to manage. It would be interesting to see the various approaches that your group makes towards this topic, especially seeing how these students deal with stress and personal issues unique to their situation. It would be a good idea to gain as many perspectives a possible to see how different students deal with different workloads and responsibilities. Make these interactions feel human, as well; make us see the toll these tasks take on them.

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  13. This is a very different topic from any one that i have seen but i like the fact behind why you chose it.all the decision you chose to write about do point at a typical high school student.this can impact a student tremendously and it kid of across the board straight for on what you set out to do. what other sources are you going to use to find specific statics or fact on the things you said.

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  16. The idea of time management is timely and pertinent to us as busy teenagers. I would be interested to see how you keep this from being a self-help article and keep it an opinionated editorial.

  17. This topic is important to students as it easily effects their performance and grades at school. I know of many people who suffer from not having enough time to do what they want because they have homework to do and can't manage their time as well as others. Jobs, friends and multiple hours of homework for one class can easily screw up a person's schedule.

  18. I think this topic will be great for all of us highschoolers to read about because it impacts us directly. Christian I would assume your subtopic will be centered on basketball but maybe you should take a unique approach and focus on other various student athletes not just basketball players. And Ann I love your subtopic because since you are Valedictorian you could give great insight on taking challenging classes and balancing your workload. I can't wait to read these!

  19. I really like how it is apparent that all of you guys have a personal relation to the topic in question, and can form separate points of view formed from your own experience. for example ann seems to be focussing more on APs, since she takes those classes, and devon must relate to dealing with having a job on top of school work. Maybe you should find a teacher's opinion, especially if they actually expect students to set aside hours to complete hw. I know I have never spent more than an hour on normal day to day hw assignments each day, with the exception being projects (which were often given weeks in advance to plan for). looking forward to reading this one.

  20. I love this topic! It will be so easy to relate to this article since it impacts us high school kids. Devon, I love your subtopic and I can say for me personally, the two definitely interferes and becomes extremely difficult to manage at times. Auri, I love your subtopic as well. After activities like: dance concert, work, babysitting..etc, sleep can be very hard to come by. I can't wait to read this article!

  21. I really like your topic! By having your umbrella topic be education I as a student can really connect to your paper, and would actually be drawn to reading it. I really like the idea of focusing in on the amount of sleep a student gets when starting to take more difficult courses. I was wondering if you are taking a general student body poll from SOTA specifically or if you are getting statistics from the internet or other out side sources?

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  24. This topic immediately caught my attention. Everyday I wake up more exhausted than the day before because I go to school, work, and try to have time for a social life. There is definitely not enough hours in the day. Well for me at least. The editorial seems like it's going to be very interesting.
