Wednesday, February 10, 2016

11 & 12 FEB: NYTimes Competition Launch

As previously mentioned, you will submitting a portfolio that will consist of two editorials: one being riddles with fallacies and the other being an authentic editorial piece.  Both will be due at the end of Friday.  Use today and tomorrow to look at past winning entries, absorb advice on the website, and craft your piece.  It should be between 300 and 450 words.  BOTH THIS AND YOUR FALLACY-RIDDLED ARTICLE ARE DUE TO BE EMAILED BY 11:59 on FRIDAY, 12 FEB.  

THE COMPETITION (Again, note the need for credible references.  Citation guidelines can be found on 10 Feb's post.)

Note: The competition has not opened yet this year, but your piece will be appropriate to submit when they do welcome entries.  Furthermore, you should feel free to submit it to the D&C as a "Speaking Out" essay.

PS:  Here are the answers to Wednesday's comma quiz/activity.

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