Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Editorial Proposal: Gender Issues

Aleah Adams, Isis Cable, Mina Ahumada, Allen Austin

            Our overall broad topic is gender issues. We divided our subtopics into the misogynistic school dress codes (Aleah), the comparison of female and male rape cases (Isis), the debate over men not being able to be feminists (Allen) and the double standard of men and women’s roles during pregnancies and their parental roles (Mina). We hope to delve into the different aspects of current gender controversy and to explore the various angles of the broad topic.


  1. Gender issues has always been considered controversial, and I think it's fascinating that you guys are touching base on different subjects within gender controversy. It'll bring attention to those subjects, and various opinions from people.

  2. Why are the females and male rape cases seemed to be treated so differently?

  3. I like how you guys chose such a broad topic, and all branched out to explore the different circumstances regarding the different gender roles. Each person will bring the facts of different aspects to the controversy of gender roles. I find this very interesting, because people will finally know the facts about these different gender roles. I cannot wait to read these editorials in particular!

  4. I think this is an interesting umbrella topic. I like how you guys are straying from the normal topics that are discussed when gender issues are bought up. I also like the comparison of rape cases, and I look forward to reading your editorial.

  5. This topic effects everyone which is why it is a brilliant topic to pick. Most people do not discuss the parental roles and the roles of men and women during pregnancy which is a great topic to enlighten. All are controversial topics which makes for good editorials because the topics will always bring out some sort of reaction to them, positive or negative. Wonderful job guys!
