Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Wednesday, November 4 Defining the modern news storyy: historical vs contemporary news writing

Defining the Modern News Story

Directions: please read the following news article.

The following newspaper article appeared in the Sacramento

 Daily Union on Nov. 13, 1857.

A man named Benjamin Hamilton was convicted before the

 Recorder some time since, and sentenced to pay a fine of $50 

and costs, for malicious mischief, in wounding a cow, the 

property of Mrs. Jones, who resides at the corner of P and Front 

streets.  A motion for new trial was subsequently granted, and 

the case re-tried before a jury yesterday, resulting in a verdict of 

guilty, and a recommendation that the defendant be fined $5 and

 costs, or be imprisoned 5 days.  The verdict was confirmed by 

the judgment of the Court, and the fine promptly paid.  The cow 

had been browsing on hay on the levee in the above vicinity, 

and was seen suddenly to run across the street, “lowing 

frantically,” with a hay hook sticking in her right shoulder, the

 defendant being in hot pursuit.  No one saw defendant commit

 the offense, but as he had been seen about that time at work at 

the hay, and turned from the pursuit when Mrs. Jones appeared

 at her door, the presumption of his guilt was probably deemed 

sufficiently strong to warrant his conviction.  The trial occupied 

considerable time — was warmly contested by counsel on either

 side, and the merits and demerits of circumstantial evidence 

were very fully discussed.

A.  How does this story differ from a contemporary report of a similar incident?

1857 News Story
Contemporary News 


B.   After reading the above article, write an effective lead.Before sending along, use the following criteria to evaluate your work..

  • Are the 5 W’s and H stacked most important to least?
  • Is the lead free of unattributed opinion?
  • 30 words or fewer?
  • Active voice?
  • Free of unfamiliar proper nouns?
  • redundancies

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