Saturday, November 28, 2015

Monday, November 30 readying for senior exit interviews

Wednesday, December 2, 2015 is this year’s annual Senior Exit Interview day.  This is a mandatory requirement for graduation.  We take this very seriously here at SOTA.  We have over 35 volunteers from the community and various colleges, businesses, lawyers, judges, contractors, hospital representatives etc. who will be interviewing our seniors.  Below you will find information about the event:
·        All Seniors will be dismissed from 9th period at 2:30
·        Seniors will go to the Ensemble Theater
·        They will enter the theater through the door in the Foyer
·        Seniors will interview with a community volunteer who is best suited to their (Senior’s) future plans
·        Seniors will be dismissed after their interview
·        Interviews will begin at 2:45 – 5:30
·        Seniors have been told to be dressed professionally
·        Throughout the day Seniors will also be getting their picture taken with their cap and gown and sash – this will be done during advisement periods and lunches.

In class: final touches / assembling the red folders. 
Catch-up day.  Many folks are missing assignments.
As well, your news stories are due this Sunday, December 6. You were to have posted your topic on the blog last Tuesday. Few did. It was a class grade. Please get this done today; otherwise, the grade remains a zero.  

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