Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Monday / Tuesday May 9 and 10 assembling your projects and writing

Monday and Tuesday is your time to organize and analyze your personal photo project.

Please add in a title slide that includes your theme and name.*streetlife photography inspiration

The graphic organizer is on the blog for Thursday, April 28.
 Once again, everyone must turn in the organizer this Wednesday. (Make sure you have made a copy for yourself, in case you need it as a reference in your presentation.) Please note that on your organizer, you must identify the type of shot and state two techniques (list on the original directions from April 28) that you focused on. Do not simply say "horizon line" or "texture", but explain exactly how you used or focused on these within your image. There will be no computers.  We will begin sharing on Wednesday, starting with volunteers.

If you are making a Power Point, put it on your thumb drive.

Paper Part

Not everyone can present on Wednesday, May 11,  but everyone must turn in the following graphic organizer. Be mindful that there is writing component  of the organizer. (class handout or adapt from below) Don't forget the reflection piece at the end.  Note that you will have class time on Monday and Tuesday, May 9 and 10 to assemble the writing component and Prezi / Power Points. Make sure to have your photos with you. There will be no class time on the 11th; I'll just collect your paperwork. If you wish you may put a copy of your photo onto the graphic organizer. 

Do not forget the 250 word minimum reflection piece. Please print out two copies, one for you and one for me.  Do not send me material!

Photojournalism Project                    Name_________________________________________________
Photo project objective statement:


setting/ time
brief description of image
type of shot/ technical
goals demonstrated










                                                In approximately 250 words, describe your process of taking the photos, including any pleasures, frustrations and obstacles you encountered. 

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