Sunday, December 6, 2015

Monday, December 7 news articles commenting

Make sure your story is posted on last Thursday / Friday's  blog.

In class today: commenting on the news articles. 

Learning Target: I can draw evidence from an informational text to support analysis and reflection.
 I can write my ideas, concepts and information clearly through effective organization and selection.

Please go to last Thursday / Friday's blog;postID=1170340411135885279;onPublishedMenu=allposts;onClosedMenu=allposts;postNum=1;src=link

 and read through the articles in terms of the information conveyed, not through a technique lens.

 Select any 5 articles and respond to the topic in the comments reply section. Incorporate some of the news text into your response. Perhaps there is a word or phrase you wish to expand upon- or with which you disagree. These must be a minimum of 25 words each. 

Put your name at the close of your response. (If you do not, you will not receive credit.)

 These are due by midnight. 

There is no more class time to work on the news stories. Any not received at this point are worth 50 points.

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